Pastors and church leaders, you know that ministry is often an uphill battle.
It requires perseverance and faith to navigate challenging terrain.
Trauma Healing Institute Group Study & Training
Please join our small group to bring healing to wounds to the heart—emotions, spirit, soul—from trauma or loss. If you suffer from hopelessness, nightmares, ongoing sadness or exhaustion, unexplained anger, flashbacks, being overwhelmed, feelings of isolation, or unprocessed grief, whatever the source, this small group may be for you. The group will be led by facilitators Greg and Jamie Stuckey who are trained in Bible- based trauma healing.
The Charleston Collaborative Winter Gathering
If you're part of a church residency program or internship - or you lead one at your church, you're invited to join us for The Charleston Collaborative Winter Gathering! 2025 is going to be an exciting year of discovering more of who you are in Christ and how he is unfolding your unique story.
Relax. Recharge. Restore.
Come be encouraged and strengthened to continue in the fight to advance the Gospel.
Journey with Jesus led by Mac Lake
Churches everywhere are facing a leadership shortage, and this fresh, eye-opening perspective led by author, leadership coach and ministry practitioner Mac Lake is transformative. You’ll leave inspired, equipped, and ready to implement actionable strategies that can shift and strengthen the culture of your leadership. Participants will gain from applications and approaches for multiplying other leaders.
Church Planting Conversation
Are you a church planter, sending church, or leader interested to know more about where things are and what's next with church planting in our city? You're invited to this lunch and conversation hosted by the SC Baptist START Team, Charleston Baptist Association & Screven Baptist Association.
Minister's Wives Dinner
Ministry Wives of Charleston, you are invited to the table to be replenished through conversation, good food and a creative activity. The cost of this gathering is only $5 - we hope you can join us and bring a friend!
Trauma Informed Lunch & Learn
Registration is now closed - if you are interested in attending another training like this one, please email and let us know!
CHS Collaborative Lowcountry Boil
Residents, apprentices, and interns (and their leaders) serving in our local churches are invited for our first Fall Connections event with the Charleston Collaborative! We will have a Lowcountry boil and gather around the fire pit with special guest, Jeff Vanderstelt.
Ministry Couples Oyster Roast
Ministry is demanding and can often be depleting for pastors & spouses. The complexity of needs, fatigue of decision-making and spiritual warfare stretches out margins of time, emotions and energy. Every pastor couple in ministry needs a time of refreshment and replenishing. This evening is for you to enjoy an outdoor oyster roast with fireside music under the lights. We will also have a baked potato bar with chili.
Interim Shepherd Training
Interim Shepherd training is a one-day, in-person primer to equip lay leaders or experienced pastors to shepherd and lead during the interim season of a congregation.
Pray Charleston Kick-Off
“There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer” A.T. Pierson, 20th century American pastor. Pray Charleston is a city wide movement, connecting prayers from the past with prayers for today. Our goal is to call churches to pray 24/7 for our city. Each church would select one calendar day per month, committing to pray monthly on that day for a 24 hour period.
2024 CBA Annual Meeting
Join us for our annual celebration on Thursday, October 10 beginning at 9:30 AM and ending over an early lunch. Our fall annual meeting is always a highlight for our association as we share and celebrate stories and successes of our cooperative partnership. We are eager to celebrate this year’s blessings and introduce next year’s opportunities.
Doors will open at 9:00 AM for coffee and connecting!
Serving Refugees Info Lunch
Learn more about how faith families and community groups can engage with and walk alongside refugees in service and friendship here in Charleston. This info lunch will help your church learn how you can be part of welcoming our new neighbors in the name of Jesus.
The Cypress Project 2-day Training
Cypress Project 2-Day Workshop for Churches
Hosted by The Church at LifePark
September 24 and 25
Minister's Wives Dinner
Join ministers’ wives from around our city for an evening of fun and a great dinner! Before dinner we will enjoy an activity learning from a color specialist, and you’ll have an opportunity to see what colors compliment you. The cost of this gathering is only $5 - we hope you can join us and bring a friend!
WMU Prayer Session
A WMU prayer session is planned for Thursday, July 18, 10:30 a.m. at Pinecrest Baptist Church.
Any WMU leader / church representative who would like to join in this time of prayer is welcome to come. We will be praying for clear direction on next steps, leadership, and what God would have CBA WMU do to provide and participate in Charleston Baptist Association missions.
Charleston WMU Reboot
According to the Oxford Dictionary the definition of reboot, when not in reference to a computer, is "to start something again or do something again, in a way that is new and interesting". After the changes we all experienced following COVID, we believe this is a great time to reboot Charleston Association WMU. To help us think through what that would mean, Joy Bolton, retired executive director of Kentucky WMU and member of Pinecrest Baptist Church, will lead us in a session to start our reboot process.
TopGolf for Church Teams
Gather your church staff/leadership team and join us for a few rounds at TOPGOLF on Tuesday, May 7th at 9:30 AM. Brunch will be provided for your team, and you’ll have a chance to meet with other church leaders around our city. There is no cost for this event, but we would ask you to register.
Apartment Life Learning Lunch
We wanted to share an opportunity to learn more about current/future opportunities for you or others you may know to live as missionaries here in greater Charleston through Apartment Life. Come learn more about Apartment life while getting to see an example of the type properties you could be serving.
WMU Salad Supper & Spring Meeting
The Salad Supper is back this year! The Charleston WMU is excited to invite you to a Salad Supper & Spring Meeting on Thursday, April 25th hosted at Fort Johnson Baptist Church. There is no cost to attend, but please RSVP for you or your group!
Executive Committee Meeting & Lunch
Our Spring Executive Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 23rd at 11:00 AM at the CBA Office. Pastors and Executive Committee members should plan to attend this important time to hear church updates, CBA initiatives, and financial reports. We will also be providing lunch!
Pastor's Wives Gathering
Pastor's Wives, you are invited to join us for a time to connect with others in our city! You’ll enjoy a meal, a simple candle decorating craft, and a time of reflecting on your spiritual walk with God.
The Cypress Project 2-day Training
Cypress Project 2-Day Workshop for Churches
Hosted by Restoration Community Church
April 16 and 17, 2024
Date: Monday, March 4th
Time: 8:30AM - 12:30PM
Location: Grace Christian Fellowship - 261 Treeland Drive, Ladson, SC
Replenish Couples Retreat
How is the pathway of your marriage? Along with blessings and burdens, are you experiencing joy in the journey? Scripture reminds us, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11). Pastor and author, Mark Hallock and his wife Jenna will guide us in a time of discovery through biblical principles and practical wisdom that will be engaging and life giving toward growing and experiencing joy in your relationship.
Contextualizing Kingdom Impact: Church Leader Roundtable with Dhati Lewis
Dhati Lewis is the Lead Pastor of Blueprint Church in Atlanta and the Founder & President of MyBLVD: Leadership resources and community based learning for leading in diverse contexts (geographical, ethnical, economical, etc…)
Discover how to live and lead with your whole-heart and place the value of being who God called you to be (being present over performance).
Disciple Making Lab
Join us for this 11 Month coaching process to create a custom disciple making model within your church context that can help reach every man, woman, and child for Jesus. Jeff Vanderstelt, Executive Director of Saturate will be our primary guide through this experience. Jeff comes from years of expertise as a disciple maker within both the church and marketplace.
Pastors Connect: Lowcountry Boil
Join us on John's Island for a time of connection with other CBA Pastors and an introduction to 2024's pathway of strengthening and serving you as a leader. We will enjoy a Lowcountry favorite feast in an amazing setting and discover ways you can experience retreats to replenish your heart.
The Nations in Your Backyard
The nations are here in greater Charleston. While we continue to cross the ocean to reach the nations, we can also learn how to cross into local neighborhoods to engage the nations the Lord is bringing. If you are longing to discover your next step to engage locally or learn better practice, this time is for you.
This time is perfect for anyone interested in engaging the nations here in Charleston.
Pastors & Spouse Dinner Cruise
Mark your calendar for Monday, November 6 and plan to join in this special time enjoying the beauty of downtown Charleston with a nighttime view from the harbor. We hope that every lead pastor and their spouse is able to join us!
Pastors' Wives Dinner
All pastors’ wives are invited to gather on Thursday, October 19th for dinner and a discussion on mental and emotional health led by Cathy Blalock of FBC Charleston. Dinner will be held at the CBA Office and there is no cost to you! Mark your calendar for this beneficial time together!
Darkness to Light Training
Join us along with other church leaders and ministry volunteers as we learn how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. If you've participated in our Safeguarding the Vulnerable equipping sessions with Attorney Curtis Bostic, this is a great next step for your Children's Ministry leaders and volunteers to receive excellent training in this area. We want you to become confident and competent, knowing how to prevent sexual abuse and react skillfully if it occurs.
Heart4Schools Regional Training
Investing our time, energy, and resources can help South Carolina students live the life God intended for them, and our teachers can be encouraged as they daily invest in the lives of those entrusted to them. We can have an impact on the future of those in our community!
Register HERE